near-daily affirmation, 06/10/14

It is Tuesday, and I attempted, this morning, a short meditation session; we Type-A fools and our trying to have our heads not explode, etc.

So I’m sitting, not remotely in a lotus position, just cross-legged, my back up against the front of the couch. And I’m lousy yet for meditation, with all the thoughts just kind of piling up there in the closet of my mind and screaming at each other about who’s the biggest denigrating loudmouthed jerk, which is probably why my body often chooses to fight back and simply go to sleep. So whenever I attempt to meditate for a few minutes in the mornings, I set my phone’s alarm, just to be safe. And so I did.

And there I was, working hard to tune out the background noise of family getting ready for work and school, and animals snorting and snuffling and hissing about; the time went by in a flash. When the alarm went off, I opened my eyes to find I was now walled in on all sides by crowding pets. If Maggie, our beagle-boxer, had been any closer, she’d have been sitting on me.

“Damn,” I commented, out loud. To which Maggie turned around and whapped me with that big tongue of hers, right across my face.

Meditate on that.

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