hells bells, this election …

There are not enough benzos and bottles o’ wine in the world to blank out the Franking obsessive nightmare of frantic online poll-of-polls watching and the dread of creeping fascism as half the electorate happily chest-thumps its way to the prospect of fewer freedoms, and lunatics with guns standing proudly in front of bathrooms to ward off the otherness demon that haunts their petty little brain-closets. And for what? To keep women from having a right to choose their own fates? To keep people who love each other from getting married cuz those same enmaddened minions don’t like the thought of same-same privates touching?


That wretched orange Mein Kampfing baboon has made it even into my dreams now. Four years of him? Great Bob* in heaven, I can’t bear the next two weeks, and the real prospect of maybe …

* Not the Subgenius Bob, but the Dylan one.

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  1. RapaNue Lewie

    I couldn’t argue a wit if I tried …. but I find myself worrying as much as the (somewhat) more likely winner …. who, it appears, conspired to cheat her way through the primaries ….

    Or, perhaps we are all dupes, and the oligarchy has set this whole charade up from the start. Sure would explain a few things ..

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