near-daily affirmation, 05/28/14

It is Wednesday.

I left my lunch at home, where it continues to sit, even as my stomach is starting to vocally remember the snack I packed, for naught. Then I dropped most of my very tasty large redeye dark roast coffee, picked up on my way in, creating a massive caffeinated puddle on the factory floor, which assuredly did not need my morning fix nearly as much as I did.

So I’m reaching here, people. I’m reaching.

There is this: When I bent down to tie my shoes this morning, my darling goofus beagle-boxer Maggie licked me straight across my face, almost giving me whiplash, so determined was she in her affection.

It is damn hard to ultimately have a rotten day when it starts off with that much unstoppable love …

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